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My name is deviant wench, and I am a toy slut.

I can spend hours online perusing sex toys on sites like Amazon, Extreme Restraints, Strict Leather, Sears…

Wait, what?

Yeah, that’s right, I said Sears. The world is changing rapidly, my friends!

I haven’t bought any toys since the glass plug back in February, and I was getting antsy. So when Himself suggested I buy another butt plug…well, let’s just say he didn’t have to tell me twice. 😀

Toys are like Lays Potato Chips, though–you can’t have just one. Especially when you’ve got Amazon Points and free shipping and a long list of bookmarked “I wants.”

I have been looking at stainless steel butt plugs for years. I fantasized about how the weight would feel in my ass, how the plug would be smooth, how it would warm to my body, even what it would feel like chilled in the fridge…

And what girl could resist such pretty, sparkly jewels?


They’re spendy, though, so I’ve always talked myself out of buying one–until this week, when I found a lovely little set of 2 on a deep discount.


The small one is REALLY small, like junior-starter-sized, but that’s okay: it’ll be good for extended wear if I’m going to be doing a lot of sitting or walking, but with enough weight to remind me of what’s inside.

Stainless and Glass

The larger one is just a smidge taller than the glass plug, but without the extra flare at the wide point that makes the glass one difficult to use without a LOT of preparation. The narrower stem will also make it more comfortable for extended wear.

I can’t wait to show Daddy. ❤

I indulged my ongoing love affair with glass toys, which really do have the most amazing texture and heft, with a lovely two-headed glass dildo.

2 head It’s small enough to go wherever I might want it, big enough to notice, and nicely curved to allow for g-spot stimulation and a good grip during self-play. I hope to try it out this weekend which, since Himself loves putting things inside me, shouldn’t be hard to accomplish. 😉

Finally, because I have an insatiable, obsessive love of suction play, I bought the Size Matters Twist-Up Nipple and Clit Suckers that I’ve had my eye on for over a year.


Daddy is not into suction play the way I am, so I mostly use them for self-play. We both reap the benefits of the increased size and sensitivity, though. These things have a wicked grip, with just two twists providing some serious suction, as demonstrated below on my arm (sorry, folks, but Himself still enforces the “no naked wench pictures” rule for my blog). I am eager to discover what joys they might provide for my pink bits. 😀


I feel the sudden need to retire to the bedroom–I hear some new toys calling my name. 😀